Friday, April 10, 2009

wall/story rehersals.....

Getting the students to think of their "firsts" using watercolors. Helping them to think about how their story will be told on the wall. First day of school at longview, first toys, first pets, ect....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

LONGVIEW outline ...

on the wall

TUESDAY - Students spaced and created the letters of LONGVIEW in chalk. They used their own bodies to space out the letters along the wall and took turns stepping away from the wall, evaluating where the letters should be placed as well as the determining the correct height of the letters.

THURSDAY - Students created the final outline of the letters in black paint. At this point they had the chance to visualize the scale they will be working at....

GREAT JOB THIS WEEK !!!!!!!!!! and A CLEAN JOB !!!!!!