Saturday, May 8, 2010

ASU Field Trip!

Friday was finally the big day! The ArtSpace class field trip arrived! At 9:00, all the students got out of class and met Ms. Kim and Mr. Justin at the bus. We were so happy that 28 students got to go with us. We arrived at Gammage Auditorium at 9:30 and split into two groups; Mr. Justin took one group to the Architecture building, where they got to see the studios where all the creativity takes place! Ms. Kim took the other group through the music building; they walked through the practice room hallway and got to listen to several ASU musicians practice for their final performances. Then we all went to the ASU art museum, where we took a tour and saw all kinds of awesome art, including bicycles from Vietnam with flags and plants on them, and marble statues. Our tour guides were really nice and taught us a lot, and then they let us make buttons! For lunch we had pizza from Oreganos, and some of the boys at 11 slices each! It was delicious. Later Ms. Kim took the groups to a place called the Digital Arts Ranch, which is a building for the School of Arts, Media and Engineering where Ms. Kim works. There we met Ms. Lisa and Ms. Tatyana, who led a demonstration of SMALlab, had an interactive space with motion capture that we got to play with. Using special wands, we got to be chemists for the hour and put different molecules in the center and watch what happened as they reacted. It was pretty awesome. Unfortunately, the end of the field trip came all too soon, and we had to head back to the buses and go back to Longview. On the bus, we got Frank Lloyd Wright books to go with our matching T-shirts. Everything went really smoothly, and everyone had such a great time. Thanks so much to everyone who worked to make this field trip a possibility. Pictures to come soon!!

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